This is my life. Sometimes shown through the eye of my camera phone, and sometimes not. I'll talk running, gadgets, music, and whatever else I stumble on to

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Busy, busy, busy!

For the last couple of weeks I've been full steam ahead working to get my company's email system in to the 21st century by nukeing our dated Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server and moving up to the latest MS Exchang 2003 server. There is quite a bit of work that has to be done after hours dealing with converting all 200+ mailboxes.

Alas, this coming week should see the final steps of the upgrade and we'll be all done.

The nice thing is Exchange 2003 now works wonderfully integrating to my Treo's email service. What a wonderful thing, eh? Yeah right!

Sorry if you've emailed me and I've been a bit behind in responding!

Fun Fun!


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