This is my life. Sometimes shown through the eye of my camera phone, and sometimes not. I'll talk running, gadgets, music, and whatever else I stumble on to

Monday, November 19, 2007

A glorious run yesterday

I had a wonderful run this past Sunday, after only going to the gym to run once last week- ONCE- a quick 2 miler on the track. I've been babysitting a left knee that bothers me when I'm in a mile or so into a long run. It's been frustrating because it bothers me NO OTHER time but when I need it most.

My attempt to run six miles last Saturday was a disaster, and_barely_did three after the knee acted up. This past Sunday, I went to Independence Grove to try the knee out on an easy four miles doing five minute run/one minute walks all the way through. I was ELATED to have completed a total of five miles!

You don't understand how happy I was. I had a little discomfort about three miles in, but it slowly went away- and NO DRUGS this time! I started at an 11:43 minute-per-mile pace and finished at around a 9:30 pace.

I just threw my hands up and smiled.

OK, so I wasn't running the whole time, but I'm still being careful not to overwork the knee. The temperature was about 43 degrees and perfect. I was just coasting and SO GLAD to be off of that running track for a change.

The 5-mile Chicago Turkey Trot is Thursday, and I'm thinking of using the same run/walk strategy, unless I feel otherwise. I'm NOT looking forward to the predicted 35 degrees and snow, though! I'm not thinking about time, but I would hope to finish in under an hour.

The course map and the distance involved looks quite daunting from above!

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