This is my life. Sometimes shown through the eye of my camera phone, and sometimes not. I'll talk running, gadgets, music, and whatever else I stumble on to

Friday, February 01, 2008

My Week In Photos: Day 5 Friday

Chicago Marathon Registration
Week: Jan. 28, 2008


So I'm starting to write this close to 11:45 p.m. on Thursday night. Fifteen minutes from now, registration opens for the Oct. 12, 2008 Chicago Marathon. I wasn't really planning on staying up until midnight considering I have to wake up early to dig my house out of the snow that is falling right now. But I figured, what the hell?

The registration site claimed to be "down for maintenance," but after a few tries, I was able to get in and sign up! The cap is 45,000 runners- 45,000! Crap! This is going to be huge!

So now it's set in stone. I've spent a lot of time mapping out my training through October. I'll run a few races here and there, and besides the Rockford half-marathon on May 18, I may run one more half-marathon in August, god willing, before Chicago.

I'm excited, and nervous at the same time, but I know in my heart I can do this!

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